Na última quarta-feira, 14 de novembro de 2007 à noite, o carrinho foi disponibilizado junto ao espaço da FUNARTE-SP, lançando a primeira parte do vídeo "Era Pós-Panóptica: Retóricas Líquidas em Redes Móveis [Obra de Arte ou Social Operating System?]" e redistribuindo os "MANIFESTO PANÓPTICO" (2004) e o "MANIFESTO C.S. : M.M.I. - D.I.Y. / TRATADO DE WEBTV" (maio-jul2007).
...e no último sábado, desta vez na cidade de Belo Horizonte-MG/Brasil, novamente redistribuição dos manifestos e veiculação pública e gratuita do vídeo. Ainda restam alguns exemplares do 2o manifesto, caso tenha interesse, entre em contato aki conosco.
Conforme solicitado, estaremos postando também aqui na web maiores detalhamentos sobre os itens referentes às etapas de desenvolvimento do projeto MANIFESTE-SE [todo mundo artista]*
(no Brasil e no mundo, a 1a webtv móvel com transmissões ao vivo das ruas da cidade para a World Wide Web, independente, pública e livre)
- conceito e vivencia de psicogeografia / cotidiano / comercio informal >> o reconhecimento da cidade
- questoes de espacos publicos (real e virtual)
- questoes de vigilancia e espetaculo
- questoes de custos de transmissao e recepcao (midias informais-independentes)
- questoes de captura, edicao e manipulacao de imagens ao vivo (softwares livres)
- desenvolvimento tecnico, etapas:
1 pesquisa de tecnologias (wi-fi e gprs/edge/evdo/3G)
2 wardrive (verificacao dos sinais de banda nos locais escolhidos para as saidas)
3 Conexão das cameras (sistemas PAL-M/NTSC, analogico/digital, ccds)
4 Conexao com aparelho celular (diferentes sistemas operacionais compativeis: ox-mac, linux e windows-xp)
4.1 busca-pesquisa de codigos abertos disponiveis na rede para compatibilidade de sistemas e conexoes (modem)
5. software de streaming e respectivos servidores
5.1 unicast (via quicktime/apple)
5.2 multicast (windows media encoder, ffmpeg, vlc - no brasil acessivel a qq usuario - pagante - somente o wme)
5.6 teste de taxas de transmissao (115kbps, 240kbps, 54Mbps, 100Mbps e diferencas entre download e upload)
6. questao-discussao sobre bandas (transmissao de dados):
6.1 virtua, speedy, ajato etc fornecem no minimo 10% do contratado (obrigacao por lei) >> testes em 100Mbps com cabo ou 54Mbps em wifi simples
6.2 evdo, gprs, edge e 3G (telefonia movel) x Wimax (atualmente em projeto de instalação no Brasil)
*a 1a webtv móvel, independente, pública e livre >> todos os direitos reservados
Post-Panoptic Era: Liquid Rethorics in Mobile Networks [Work of Art or Social Operating System?] – part#01 – MOBILE WEBTV LIVE BROADCAST (txt english#1)
Post-Panoptic Era: Liquid Rethorics in Mobile Networks
[Work of Art or Social Operating System?]
*** work-presentation about “MANIFEST YOURSELF [you're being 'youtubed' in real time: artist is everybody] – mobile webtv live broadcast ***
This project was basically a live (and on demand) webtv channel broadcasting from streets to the World Wide Web; in other words, anyone had the chance to be 'youtubed' besides learning how to make their own webtv channels in the current context of freedom and domination that we're living in (network and liquid-modern societies) whereas we must to take an activist position reffering to the mobile technologie's popularization and the rising of different argues about “public” and “digital” television in Brazil.
Originally conceived in 2005, this 'technoconceptual' work in progress (the first brazilian mobile webtv live broadcast) has been in the streets since june 2006. It aimed at stimulating freedom of expression and the rights of communication, using cellphones (mobile technology to data transmission) for collective free and independent purposes.
The project also disseminates the notion of D.I.Y., through workshops and lectures (at some major Brazilian Universities, Locative Media Events and for teenagers in São Paulo Suburbs), in our current 'liquid' context, of fluxes, accelerations, surveillance, spectacle and consumption; talking “about 'new media' for a critical mass”, and trying to make participants understand that every cellphone or pocket-pc can be a powerful weapon, like worldwide broadcasting station, i.e. everyone is able to learn how to use this infrastructure to change realities.
Yes!, mobile media and online networks “can allow for many-to-many communication providing opportunities for political” and cultural collective activism i.e. these technologies can change the power from a small number of media owners to entire ex-audiences: “MANIFEST YOURSELF [artist is everybody]”.
*This project has been awarded in 2006 at "FMB" and at "NEW MEDIA ART & CULTURAL AWARDS" (Urban Intervention and Social Operating System with 'New Media' Devices) supported by São Paulo Government State.