Surveillance Again
I've not been written here since July 29th, 2010...
well, let´s get back to blog!
tnks to nina gazire about these links @fb!!
Documents obtained by The Wall Street Journal open a rare window into a new global market for the off-the-shelf surveillance technology that has arisen in the decade since the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.... >>
"YouToRemix_Bike C-Mapping_YouTubeMix (test02)"
Following "YouToRemix...t2" is about my phd project which uses YouTube as a video library to produce creative new "Audiovisual Rhetorics" online in Internet.
"Bike C-Mapping part#3" was showed in 2009 at Pocket Film Festival (Paris-France) and International Architecture Biennial Exhibition (São Paulo-Brazil)
Os fluxos em trânsito de uma cidade acontecem para além de seus espaços físicos, em espaços invisíveis a olho nu, espaços informacionais. Assim, em uma revisão de contato com a cidade, este vídeo apresenta samples ora retirados do próprio Youtube ora retirados do vídeo "Audiovisual Rhetoric: Bike C-Mapping part#03" (veja: propondo ao internauta que refaça seu próprio percurso frente a este discurso de experimentação da cidade, em especial o efeito de localização, onipresente em nossas vidas cotidianas, causado por tecnologias como celulares (telefonia móvel) e GPS (sistema de posicionamento global via satélites). Quais são estes rastros que deixamos pelo espaço e que alimentam diversos bancos de dados sobre nossos cotidianos e pessoais percursos?
De 2007 a 2009 saímos munidas de celulares com nossas bicicletas para percorrer durante períodos de cerca de 3h30minutos (aproximadamente 35 Km) diferentes regiões (e bairros) da cidade de São Paulo. Divirta-se neste percurso discursivo.
(aqui trocamos o teclado de piano por uma interface de pads - como em um midi-controller)
See also:
"Play the piano" [from Kokokaka]
Towards A Cellphone Cinematography | part#3 :: another paper approved! :)
After my last paper entitled "Foucault checkmated inside Elite Squad movie or the mobile telecommunication as a tracking particle inside Salve Geral movie (Brazil and its contemporary society inside cinematographic conversations)", the new one [that includes a writing also based on “audiovisual rhetoric 2008: Batman#01″, July-October 2008] was accepted!!
Towards A Cellphone Cinematography
[a discussion about mobile telecommunication as a tracking particle
or Foucault checkmated inside widespread Movies]
In this article I will focus myself in two different movies: the blockbuster Batman – The Dark Knight (2008) and the recent Brazilian one Salve Geral (2009).
*How has been mobile telecommunication discussed in these recent popular movies?
*How are these everydayness surveillance technologies being discussed inside cinema?
*How did it become a central component of narrative?This paper is a sequence of my master degree studies focused in Elite Squad film (2007) related to Foucault analyses about a increasing of control in society how it runs in a cinematography – as its digital networking derivated – discussion nowadays.
I'm interested to pointed out how realism depends upon a system of inter-textual and extra-textual codes, i.e. my movies' analyses must include breaking out a range of signification codes, looking at widespread as specific cultural contexts (mobile phones and Foucault studies are “the widespread one” and Brazilian movie and its social reality are “the specific one”). Throwing out of Christian Metz wrote: cinema as a collective production, i.e. how the cinema could be said to signify, or generate, a society common meaning.
The Nine Eyes of Google Street View [¿Surveillance or Spectacle?]
Two years ago, Google sent out an army of hybrid electric automobiles, each one bearing nine cameras on a single pole. Armed with a GPS and three laser range scanners, this fleet of cars began an endless quest to photograph every highway and byway in the free world.
Consistent with the company’s mission “to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful,” this enormous project, titled Google Street View, was created for the sole purpose of adding a new feature to Google Maps.
Every ten to twenty meters, the nine cameras automatically capture whatever moves through their frame. Computer software stitches the photos together to create panoramic images. To prevent identification of individuals and vehicles, faces and license plates are blurred.
Today, Google Maps provides access to 360° horizontal and 290° vertical panoramic views (from a height of about eight feet) of any street on which a Street View car has traveled. For the most part, those captured in Street View not only tolerate photographic monitoring, but even desire it. Rather than a distrusted invasion of privacy, online surveillance in general has gradually been made ‘friendly’ and transformed into an accepted spectacle. [cont.]
about "Google Images... The Operating System"
CityMapping Performance MP @ The Everydayness' Manifesto
[jan-aug, 2006]
Por Uma Cinematografia Celular [discussão sobre telefonia móvel e dispositivos de controle da circulação], part#01
A telefonia móvel como partícula de rastreamento ou
Foucault em cheque[-mate-] em uma cinematografia celular
[uma dicussão do dispositivo de controle da circulação nos cinemas e nos camelôs]
[thanks to Angelo, an technological-artist, that ordered me "You must watch this new Batman!, It links to your presentation here & its research"]
o copyrighted* Batman [2008], tal qual nosso recente Salve Geral [2009] e o participativo MANIFESTE-SE [todo mundo artista] – MOBILE WEBTV LIVE BROADCAST [2005-2008], discutem (dentro de suas causas primeiras/ hipóteses/ argumentos-bases) também a função estrutural da telefonia móvel [aquele brinquedinho chamado "celular" e de expansão da mobilidade comunicacional ao redor do mundo...]… Cada qual à sua maneira, apresentam - e discutem - jnt ao público uma mesma questão: tracking.
Dispositivo de Localização Geográfica.
Controle. Comunicação Rastreada.
O importante em uma sociedade disciplinar é exatamente esta possibilidade de controle total de tudo que se encontra em CIRCULAÇÃO, certo?…
uma espécie de DIGITAL DATA PANOPTICO, para além de uma rede Internet, um sistema móvel [mobile]
Mais do que isto, talvez.
Há também em comum, nesta cinematografia blockbuster internacional, uma discussão comportamental a la #Foucault [talvez até mesmo #Guatari e #Deleuze, entre tantos outros somente para citarmos aquela década de 70...],
vou me focar mais uma vez em Foucault neste post, já que estou retornando às pesquisas em voga no Brasil [e abroad] nesta virada de século e primeiros anos do século XXI.
...e quem diria q eu voltaria ao meu querido Batman de Nolan, Christopher [aquele msm britânico-diretor sobre Tesla e clones/ tecnologia, discussão em voga ao redor de 2006...] exatamente um ano depois para este novo post linkado a um filme brasileiro, hein?!
RE:POSTED Our Surveillance Life [a Brazillian Report: Public Security and automobile]
two years before the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro],
according to a new national regulation [October 29th, 2009]
every car must install RFID* on it.
In Mexico it is already a reality:
[Secretaría de Seguridad Pública]
"June 29, 2009 >> Comeinza registro público y con ello la colocación de etiquetas con chip de readiofrecuencia que permitiran tener mayor control de los movimientos en todo el país."
assista a este video brasileiro
*RFID >> radio-frequency identity (or identification) is other method of security tagging, also used for location [like GPS, but with different accuracy & technologies]
Another New Mobile CameraCyborg
After Google Street View Car
After Bike C-Mapping
Now the Yellow Bird 3D Generation:
[ © yellowBird 2009 — The Netherlands ]
everybody in a mobile camera-eye situation: on & on!
Tactical Technology © 2004/2009
About Us
Tactical Tech is an international NGO working at the point where advocacy meets technology. We use our technical expertise to increase the impact of campaigns in social justice and human rights.
Tactical Tech believes that new technologies have significant potential to enhance the work of campaigners and advocates, giving them the tools to gather and analyse information and the means to turn that information into action.
To help make this possible, Tactical Tech has, over the past four years, trained nearly 1,000 advocates and technologists in developing and transition countries in the use of technology for social change, provided consultancy and mentoring to over ten NGO movements and networks and created a suite of toolkits and guides specifically for use by advocates.
Tactical Tech and its staff have an in-depth working knowledge of advocacy organisations and technologists working across a range of sectors and geographies. It has advised a wide range of organisations and movements, in the process developing a strong reputation for demystifying technologies and helping advocates and campaigners get the most from modern resources.
Tactical Tech was established in 2003 by a collective of professionals with extensive experience working with NGOs and new technologies. Together, they have developed the unique concept of bringing advocates and technologists together and working in many regions around the world to share expertise.
:: Virtual Eye :: The Navigation System for Visually Impaired People
[they'd sponsored by Microsoft: you can watch a video abstract fwd below]
guys: Congratulations!
since 2007, a lot of new online platform based on FCS [like ustream, joost, mogulus, and another ones] is ready to live broadcast & a social operatting system [social online audiovisual networking like YouTube]
BUT, yeah!, nowadays [2009] one of them is ready also to run mobile & by cellphones.
has a lot of audiovisual, tracking [locative media] & broadcasting projects: you can create your own and go mobile or email us to create a new original one for you: you're free, then mail us to help you in a creativity project!

junto a novos desenvolvedores de softwares/ aplicativos,
a empresas com projetos culturais e educativos em rede pelo país,
a eventos de tecnologia, congressos ao redor do mundo,
desenvolvimento de programas completos educativos [oficinas, palestras & workshops] ao longo do Brasil
e auxílio criativo e técnico a renomados artistas.
Entre em contato conosco, saiba maiores detalhes de como você também pode atuar conjuntamente na onda da telefonia móvel!
“Quem conhece a árvore de mandioca?, e-tinerâncias ou CityMapping Performance”, 2007.
[metodologia: trabalho baseado em Locative Media & Mobile Broadcasting conceitualizado a partir da viagem de Mario de Andrade a Belém do Pará
- dentre outras cidades brasileiras - no início do século XX e do texto de Hermano Vianna sobre o Tecnobrega e a infra-estrutura de produção e distribuição informal na região no século XXI].
Then, tell us about it!
"In just a few seconds you will be experiencing live and broadcasting from your mobile phone. Notify twitter when you go live to instantly activate your audience and easily interact with your viewers through chat!"
* * we really apologise for this late post here! * *