Share The Experience or “Um debate sobre o anonimato na internet mereceria ser levado a sério” + Mobile Phones Tracking
Another mobile live streaming tool
We'll send out live updates to your friends on your favorite social networks; you can even sign into Qik using just your Facebook or Twitter login!
mobiles that can take pictures have become almost a vital extension of our lives
If the digital revolution had produced nothing except the camera phone, it would still have had a transformative effect on most people's lives. It is not only in the throes of destroying whole industries – such as film processing and standard cameras – but it has also changed these devices from being a passive recorder of life into an active, constant participant. You can take photos or videos and send them directly to friends, newspapers or to websites such as YouTube, Facebook, Flickr, geograph or qik, which store billions of experiences and enable like-minded people throughout the world to form communities.
Recently, at the Tuttle Club in London, I saw an upcoming iPhone app using augmented reality enabling you to turn around through 360 degrees with your camera phone to pick up all the public Wi-Fi spots from nearby to miles away. The idea is to create a community of public space workers.
[tks 2 andré lemos' tip]
"Reporters Without Borders deals with issues related to anonymity almost every day. Being anonymous on the web has unfortunately become synonymous with behaving in a cowardly fashion, or posting offensive comments. But in many countries, anonymity is all about protecting the security of bloggers who risk their lives in order to publish information.
But consider the example of Twitter user Elliot Madison. He was arrested by the FBI and charged of hindering prosecution after he allegedly used the social networking site Twitter to help protesters evade police at the G20 Summit in Pittsburgh. Madison was giving the location of the riot police on the ground, but so too were reporters and news helicopters. His arrest is certainly of concern, and it could have been avoided if he had the option of protecting his anonymity.
O segundo tema deste post [Friday, October 16, 2009] vem do Ecrans. Aqui a questão é a privacidade e também o anonimato no uso dos smart-phones. Segundo a matéria, um hacker mostrou que as operadoras e, qualquer pessoa com algum conhecimento e equipamentos, pode localizar qualquer celular GSM que tenha um GPS embarcado. E isso sem que o usuário saiba. Vejam trechos do texto Smartphone : comment suivre son conjoint par GPS de David Servenay."
Mobile Live Broadcasting?
One week ago I gave a little help to Almas [via Cinemateca and University of São Paulo] about how to live streaming direct via cellphones.
Then, we streamed by ustream's app [it's really interesting, but doesn't work very well here at Sao Paulo, Brazil]... maybe the problem was during our connection [Claro, Tim, Vivo...]... [?]
Sil and me [via Manifesto21.TV Team] researched for it [the Brazillian Companies and their mobile data connections] during 2005 until february 2008; after it we decided to use 2 of them [one to upload - live stream - the sounds & videos; the another one to preview - download - them, also in real time]. We worked during all that time in both technologies accessible to ordinary citizen: GPRS-EDGE and 3G.
What I've been heard about it nowadays, is that 3G technology doesn't work very well anymore here, because there was an increase of the consumers [users of mobile telecommunication] - it could be a wonderful thing in a country like Brazil! - but without a better infra-structure and technological development by these companies since then. It's really a pitty.
How does it work in your country?!
How does it work in your city?!
ooops >> I must translate an article, by a Nokia researcher, about this issue; it was published in the last year, after Manifesto21.TV Team had stopped to live streaming from streets to the www by mobile phones:
“There is not much specific research on mobile live video available in the world instead of a lot of researches have been done on capturing & sharing visual content in mobile contexts ... Video calls over the internet are now becoming within the reach of the masses. Recent versions of telephony and messaging software such as Skype and iChat allow shared video conversations, while mobile networks (for instance, 3G) are enabling mobile video calls. In general, video has arguably become a first class internet data type (witness the rise of YouTube)”
These are our Objectives @ MOBILE PHONES: Let’s become critical consumers
Five countries are taking part in the project with the theme concerned mobile telephones. The main aim is that the involved participants (students, teachers, families) will become critical consumers of mobile phones.
The way to reach this aim is to cover this theme from several points of view and these are: technological, economic, social, health and environment.
... Students and teachers will use the means of internet to communicate with each other and to cummunicate the ideas and results they found out, and to ask questions and make interviews. ...
During the first year of the project we are going to publish the results, pictures, etc. on this weblog. And during the second year, we are going to organize a website-creating competition working with materials published on this weblog. @ Meeting in Belgium :: 4th till 10th of May 2008
“? Qual o Futuro do Manifesto21 ?” | Our ‘old’ Answer: The Networked web-Television at a Tracking Mobile EverydayLife
the Manifesto 21's performer talks about some issues [social networking based on webTVs & the mobile telecommunications in Brasil at Campus Party :: feb, 2008]
O Canal#8 no Youtube pega performer do Manifesto21 [a la Blade Runner/ Ridley Scott-1982, 1968-Philip K. Dick\ Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? ... ] de surpresa durante a montagem do Oneself Cellphone#2008...
since 2007, a lot of new online platform based on FCS [like ustream, joost, mogulus, and another ones] is ready to live broadcast & a social operatting system [social online audiovisual networking like YouTube]
BUT, yeah!, nowadays [2009] one of them is ready also to run mobile & by cellphones.
has a lot of audiovisual, tracking [locative media] & broadcasting projects: you can create your own and go mobile or email us to create a new original one for you: you're free, then mail us to help you in a creativity project!

junto a novos desenvolvedores de softwares/ aplicativos,
a empresas com projetos culturais e educativos em rede pelo país,
a eventos de tecnologia, congressos ao redor do mundo,
desenvolvimento de programas completos educativos [oficinas, palestras & workshops] ao longo do Brasil
e auxílio criativo e técnico a renomados artistas.
Entre em contato conosco, saiba maiores detalhes de como você também pode atuar conjuntamente na onda da telefonia móvel!
“Quem conhece a árvore de mandioca?, e-tinerâncias ou CityMapping Performance”, 2007.
[metodologia: trabalho baseado em Locative Media & Mobile Broadcasting conceitualizado a partir da viagem de Mario de Andrade a Belém do Pará
- dentre outras cidades brasileiras - no início do século XX e do texto de Hermano Vianna sobre o Tecnobrega e a infra-estrutura de produção e distribuição informal na região no século XXI].
Then, tell us about it!
"In just a few seconds you will be experiencing live and broadcasting from your mobile phone. Notify twitter when you go live to instantly activate your audience and easily interact with your viewers through chat!"
* * we really apologise for this late post here! * *