[R] What Situation, Huh Debord?*
I was looking for my master degree theme and google founded a japanese site with a lot of links to Guy Debord... this video [october 2009] is part of a curious documentary about "The Game of War":
What is much less well known is that after the May '68 Revolution, Debord and his partner - Alice Becker-Ho - quit Paris and went to live in a remote French village. Over the next two decades, Debord devoted much of the rest of his life to inventing, refining and promoting what he came to regard as his most important project...
¿Had Debord & Alice read Deleuze & Guatari at that days?
*"What Situation, Huh Debord?" [¿or "Which Situation Huh, Debord?"?] was one of my projects' title about the cultural multimedia situation in Brazil [2004-2006], based on mmnehcft experience about the modal formule related to Situationist rules.